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Mailbox Inspection

With winter weather approaching, the City wants to ensure the safety of all community members and motorists by keeping the roadways clear of ice and snow. Because of the close proximity of mailboxes to the streets, damage to mailboxes and posts is often times unavoidable. Snow and ice are very heavy and will tend to loosen posts that are in the ground. We are asking your cooperation to inspect your mailbox annually in an effort to prevent damage.

  • Make sure your mailbox post is tightly secured into the ground and there are no signs of rotted wood or rusted parts.
  • Repair any loose parts and tighten the hinges on the door of your mailbox.
  • Keep the path to your mailbox clear.
If your mailbox is knocked over by heavy snow being pushed against it, please contact the Service Department at (440) 353-0814 at which time they will investigate to determine if the mailbox/post was physically hit by the city plow. The City does not replace mailboxes unless there is evidence of an actual strike by a city plow making contact with it. Rotted posts will not be replaced by the City as this is the homeowner’s responsibility.

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© 2024. City of North Ridgeville – 7307 Avon Belden Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 – (440) 490-2042