City of North Ridgeville
Private Utilities

The following information contains contact information for non-city utilities offered in North Ridgeville. As to electric and gas, North Ridgeville is a member of Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) aggregation program. As a nonprofit group of 240 Ohio communities, NOPEC negotiates lower utility rates. To learn more and understand how this program works, please visit their website at:

If you have questions or concerns regarding your utilities or service that you are unable to resolve, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is a great resource.  PUCO regulates providers of all kinds of utility services, including electric and natural gas companies, local and long distance telephone companies, water and wastewater companies, rail and trucking companies. Visit PUCO's website at: or call 1-800-686-7826 between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. They will also accept calls regarding cable TV and will pass along the information to the Department of Commerce. If you would prefer to call the Cable TV Consumer Hotline directly, they can be reached at 1-877-207-2225.

Columbia Gas, 1-800-344-4077

Ohio Edison, 1-800-633-4766

Voice, Cable and/or Internet:
Windstream/Kinetic, 1-800-347-1991
Frontier Communications, 1-877-361-0588
Spectrum, 1-855-243-8892
Breezeline (formerly WOW!), 1-888-536-9600
DIRECTV, 1-855-203-3113
Dish TV, 1-833-650-8799

© 2024. City of North Ridgeville – 7307 Avon Belden Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 – (440) 490-2042