Property Taxes
The current property tax rate for North Ridgeville residents is 80.07 mills. The current residential effective tax rate is 58.348 mills. A mill is equal to one tenth of one percent.
How can I calculate my property tax? The property tax calculation for a dwelling with a residential market value of $100,000 is as follows:
- $100,000 X 35% = $35,000 (Assessed value)
- $35,000 X .05834 = $2,041.90 (Tax before credits)
- After the state Non-business credit and the Owner Occupancy credit, the amount of property tax is $1,815.46.
Where do my property taxes go? See the table below for a breakdown showing how your property tax dollars are allocated.
| % of Total | Mills |
Lorain County | 20.33 | 11.862 |
North Ridgeville City Schools | 57.67 | 33.649 |
Joint Vocational School | 3.43 | 2.000 |
County Health District | 0.68 | 0.395 |
**City of North Ridgeville | 17.89 | 10.442 |
Total Millage | 100% | 58.348 |
**The Lorain Public Library North Ridgeville Branch accounts for 1.91 mills of this amount. |