Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting
Starting 12/6/2023 at 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Event Groups:
Ridgeville Ready Update
The planning team has been hard at work crafting recommendations and action items for the Ridgeville Ready steering committee to review. Specific recommendations are based upon all of the data and public input collected throughout the process. At the steering committee’s October meeting, the group covered topics of economy, mobility and infrastructure, amenities and leadership. At the December meeting, the group will be reacting to recommendations around land use, housing and the town center. Once the recommendations are refined by the steering committee, they will be presented to the community. An online round of public input will allow residents and other stakeholders the opportunity to weigh in before the plan is finalized. Stay tuned for more information regarding this input opportunity. Details will be posted on nridgeville.org and RidgevilleReady.com.

North Ridgeville Police Station Training Room