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Request for Proposals Professional Accounting Services
Request for Proposal
Professional Accounting Services

Posting Date: October 1, 2023
Response Due Date: November 30, 2023

The City of North Ridgeville is accepting proposals from qualified professional accounting firms to provide accounting services for the preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Schedule of Federal Awards (if applicable) for a three-year period for years ending December 31, 2023, 2024 and 2025.


The City of North Ridgeville is a community of approximately 23 square miles and over 36,000 residents. The City is a home rule city with a Mayor-Council form of government. The City is currently under an MOA agreement through the Auditor of State with Charles E Harris and Associates for annual audit services which expires December 31, 2025.

Scope of Services
The scope of Services described below are provided for consideration in developing a response to the RFP, the final scope of services will be determined and prioritized after notice of selection is provided to the most qualified firm.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards preparation shall include:
• Preparation of all calculations, journal entries, trial balances, financial statements, MD&A and note disclosures required for the firm’s submission to the State of Ohio Hinkle system.
• Preparation of required supplementary information.
• Responsible for updating the basic financial report for any audit adjustments and changes required by the auditors.
• Preparation of combining financial statements and individual budgetary statements.
• Preparation of the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards.
• Accounting advisory services, on an as needed basis, subsequent to the release of the report.

The city will designate staff responsible for acting as liaisons between the selected accounting firm and the city.

Requirements for Statements of Professional Qualifications

Provide the information requested below with a cover letter signed by an officer of the firm.

Profile. Provide a description of the firm to include (i) the name of the firm; (ii) the ownership type; (iii) the year the firm was established; (iv) the firm’s office location(s); (v) the number of employees; (vi) a description of the firm’s core business lines; and (vii) the principal(s) of the firm; and (viii) firms background and experience on similar projects.

Staffing. Include a list of personnel who will be assigned to work with the city, including the functions that each will perform and a summary of such individual’s credentials and experience. Proposer should demonstrate that the firm has adequate qualified staff with capacity to commence services beginning in February 2024. The successful proposer shall not subcontract any of the work without the prior written consent of the City.

Qualifications. Discuss in detail the experience of the firm with providing accounting services to municipal government(s), and any other relevant experience within the past five (5) years. The qualifications of the proposer and key staff who have performed projects similar in scope and complexity, with an emphasis on municipal governments of similar size and structure, should be included to demonstrate competence with respect to the services to be provided. Include a statement of the firm’s technical capabilities with respect to performing the services within the Scope of Services (personnel, equipment, material and experience). References/contact of other municipal governments for which similar services were provided within the last three (3) years; other similar projects for which you have performed similar work in the past three (3) years.

Selection Procedures, Criteria and Process
Firms interested in being considered for selection should respond by submitting one hard copy and one digital copy of their proposal, to include a sample ACFR, to the address below by 4:30 PM on November 30, 2023. Responses received after 4:30 PM on the due date will not be considered.

City of North Ridgeville
Department of Finance
7307 Avon Belden Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
[email protected]

Factors to be evaluated include, but are not limited to, the qualifications, expertise and demonstrated proficiency, ability to perform services and meet deadlines, key personnel, the firm’s approach to providing the requested scope of services, level of satisfaction of current and/or prior clients and any innovation and/or creative approaches to providing the requested services that result in additional efficiencies or increased performance capabilities.

Based on the proposals submitted, the City of North Ridgeville may conduct interviews with officers of the firm and current and/or prior clients. Once a final ranking has been established, the City shall enter into contract negotiations with the highest ranked firm to determine the final scope of services and budget. The City of North Ridgeville reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Please contact Director of Finance, April Wilkerson at (440) 353-0851 with any questions regarding this Request for Proposal.