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Public Notice: Lead Status Unknown Service Line

Dear North Ridgeville Water Consumer,

The city of North Ridgeville is the Public Water System responsible for providing drinking water to your property. Notices have been sent to property owners of homes or buildings that were constructed prior to 1989 and have a “lead status unknown” service line. This means that your service line material is unknown and may be lead or galvanized steel pipe which would require replacement. It could also mean that the material is a non-lead material such as plastic or copper. The service line is the small diameter pipe that connects the water main to your home or building.

The city is required to develop an inventory of all water service lines in our distribution system. Unfortunately, the city does not have records to substantiate the material of your service line.

While the city does not believe it likely that the service line material to your home or building is lead or galvanized steel pipe, the notice is required to be sent to all potentially impacted water consumers by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA).

Please read the notice below to learn how this EPA requirement impacts your property and how you can help us collect the required data to complete the service line inventory through a quick survey. For step-by-step instructions on how to access your water line to conduct scratch and magnet tests, please click here

Contact the city’s water foreman, Brian O’Grady, at [email protected] if you have questions regarding this notice.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

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